Thursday, October 9, 2014

Best-Ever Lasagna

I look forward to seeing my bon appetite magazine in the mailbox every month because I love their recipes.  Of course there is always a theme, but sometimes I find the best recipes are the project recipes.  My definition of project recipes are those that take a while to cook but for anyone that knows me, that's kind of my thing.  When I saw the lasagna bolognese, I was very excited.  After receiving a pasta maker, I was even more ecstatic to try the recipe.  Just as a note, the recipes calls for making the bolognese sauce the day before, and then constructing the lasagna the following day.  I have made it both ways.  It tastes better if you make the sauce in advance, but I have to admit it is also delicious making it the day of.  I did make some modifications to fit my taste... here it is...

1 large onion, minced
1 medium carrot, peeled, cut in 2
2 celery stalks, finely chopped
2lb ground beef, pork and veal mix or about 3/4lb of each
1 c dry white wine
1 28oz can of tomato puree
14.5 oz chicken stock
2 bay leafs
salt and pepper
2 drops Worcestershire sauce

Lasagna Noodles;
Click here for my pasta recipe from a previous post

Additional ingredients;
1 8oz package of mozzarella cheese, shredded
1/4 c freshly grated Parmesan Romano cheese
8 slices of fresh mozzarella cheese (for the top)
fresh chopped basil, for a garnish

Start by heating up a  large pot on medium high heat.  Wait a few minutes until the pan is hot and add the ground meats.  Saute the ground meat until it is fully browned, about 10 minutes.  Then add the onion, carrots and celery.
Saute the vegetables on medium high heat, until the vegetables are cooked, about 10-15 minutes until the moisture is almost completely evaporated and the meat is well browned.  Season with salt and pepper.
Add the wine to the pot, scraping the brown bits from the bottom of the pot, about 2-4 minutes and the majority of the liquid is evaporated.
Add the tomato sauce and chicken stock.  Bring to a boil and lower the heat to low, to allow the sauce to simmer.
Add 2 bay leaves.  Simmer for 21/2 - 3 hours.
If the sauce is too thick, you can add chicken stock.  I prefer a thicker sauce.  Also add in the Worcestershire sauce.  Taste and add any additional salt or pepper if needed.
Set the sauce aside - refrigerate over night.
Remove the sauce from the fridge the following day.  Set the pot on low heat, to warm the sauce.
Start making the pasta, the recipe is here.
Roll the pasta out, to about a 7/8...
Cut the past into smaller pieces, so it will be easier to boil.  Place on a cloth until you have all the noodles finished.  Make sure they are coated in flour, so they don't stick to the towel.
Boil water in a separate pot.  Set a bowl of ice cold water next to the boiling water.  Flash boil the noodles for 30 seconds each.  Drop them in the ice water, remove and set them aside.

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees.  In a large pan, spread the sauce on the bottom, add a layer of noodles.  Spread another layer of sauce, sprinkle some mozzarella cheese and Parmesan Romano cheese.  Repeat until you run out of sauce and noodles.  Top with some slices of mozzarella.
Place baking dish in the oven, until bubbling and beginning to brown on top, 40-50 minutes.
Let the lasagna sit for 5 minutes, cut into squares and plate.  Garnish with grated Parmesan Romano and freshly chopped basil.

Thyme 2 Taste....

TIP: a nice mild Chianti is a perfect pairing with this lasagna... Bramosia Chianti Classico, 2010 


The original recipe can be found in the October 2013 issue of bon appetit magazine.

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