Friday, September 12, 2014

Shrimp & Asparagus Pasta in a Clam Sauce

For some reason I have an aversion to reading recipes.  After I find a recipe that I want to make, I don't usually refer back to the recipe.  If I forget something or add something different, it's something I like or what I think would be best  One of my favorite pasta recipes I found by Michael White turned into this new version of pasta that I modified.  The pasta is light because I make my own and as you can see from the picture below, there is probably more shrimp than pasts!  Did I mention that it was delicious?

1 Tbsp olive oil
2 Shallots, minced
3 garlic cloves, minced
6 medium size mushrooms, sliced
1/2 lb asparagus, trimmed and cut into 11/2-2 inch pieces
3/4lb fresh shrimp
1 8 oz bottle of clam juice
1 tsp red pepper flakes
salt and pepper to taste
1/4 c freshly grated Parmesan Romano cheese
2 Tbsp of Basil plus more to garnish on top

Pasta - refer to the recipe from my previous post

Peel and the shrimp and be sure to remove the veins in the back and center of the shrimp.  This is the part that takes the longest.  They also sell the peeled shrimp at the seafood counter, if you want to make life easier. 
Chop your shallots, garlic, mushrooms and asparagus and set aside.  At this point you should have your water boiling for the pasta.  If you made homemade pasta, it will only take about 3-4 minutes to boil.  If you are using pasta from the box, follow the instructions on the box to cook the pasta.
In a large pan, add a tablespoon olive oil and heat to medium high heat.  Once the pan and oil is hot, add the shallots are garlic.  Saute until opaque, about 4 minutes.
Add the mushrooms, and saute until the mushrooms are soft, about 4-5 minutes.  Drop your pasta in your boiling water.
Clear the center of the pan and add the shrimp, sprinkling with salt, pepper and red pepper flakes.
Once the shrimp look white on both sides, about 5 minutes, add the clam juice and asparagus and simmer for a few minutes, about another 4-5 minutes.  Do not simmer for too long or you will overcook the shrimp and them it will be chewy.  During this set, you should also strain your pasta and throw it back in the pot that you boiled it in.

Once you have finished simmering the shrimps, pour the sauce and shrimp into the pot with the pasta.  Add the basil and the cheese, stir and be sure that the pasta is coated.
Divide into bowls and serve..

Thyme 2 taste...

This can serve up to 4 people.

TIP:  If you do not like mushrooms or asparagus, try some other vegetable that you like and switch up the recipe :)

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