Sunday, September 21, 2014

Homemade Pizza

When I lived in Los Angeles, I lived 3 blocks from a Trader Joes.  I don't know if that was a good thing or a bad thing because I was always there!  One of my favorite recipes to make was pizza.  They have the dough, the sauce and great fresh ingredients.  Not sure if you have tried the pizza dough, maybe after you read this, you will!  The best part of this recipe is that it takes a few minutes to put everything together and it bakes in 20 minutes.

1 Tbsp Olive oil
1 bag of fresh pizza dough
1 container Trader Joes Pizza sauce
1 package of mushrooms
1 red pepper
1 package of black forest ham
1 package of shredded mozzarella cheese

Set the dough aside until it becomes room temperature.  While waiting for the dough to warm up, chop your ingredients.

Spread the tablespoon of olive oil on the pan.  Spread out the dough.  Preheat the over to 425 degrees.

Spread the pizza sauce on top of the dough.
Sprinkle the dough with cheese and then add the red peppers, mushrooms and ham.

Bake in the oven at 425 for 20 minutes.

Thyme 2 taste and enjoy!!

TIP:  You can add whatever ingredients you would like, or toppings.  For the pizza dough, I usually buy the Italian Dough, since it has fresh herbs incorporated into it.  They also have plain and whole wheat.

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