Saturday, September 6, 2014

Fried Zucchini Slices

If you are having friends over for dinner or just spending some time in the kitchen cooking something delicious, you sometimes need a snack because you can't wait for dinner.  Zucchinis are not the tastiest vegetable to eat, but they are delicious fried and even more delicious fried, sprinkled with Parmesan cheese!  Getting kids to eat their veggies is tough, so here is a solution.  It is a quick, easy starter or a snack and it's pretty healthy! ;)

1 Zucchini, thinly sliced
1/4 c flour
2 eggs, beaten
4 Tbsp milk
1 c bread crumbs (Italian or plain)
 1/2 c grape seed oil
salt and pepper
Parmesan cheese, optional

Slice the zucchini into thin slices, about 1/8th of an inch.
Sprinkle the flour on a plate, add salt and pepper to the flour, on a separate plate, measure out the breadcrumbs and sprinkle on the plate.  Beat an eggs in a separate bowl and add the milk.
Take a slice of zucchini, coat in flour, then egg mixture and then in breadcrumbs.

In a large pan, add oil and turn on high heat.  Let the oil get hot and then turn down to medium high.  Add the slices of zucchini to the pan of hot oil.  Fry on each side for a few minutes, until golden brown.
Once the slices are golden brown, set onto a plate with paper towels.
Sprinkle immediately with some salt or you can sprinkle with Parmesan cheese!
Thyme 2 taste...

TIP: You can also dip the slices in ranch dressing, if you would like a dipping sauce.

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