Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Homemade Chicken Pot Pie

There is nothing better than comfort food in the winter, to keep you warm...... that tends to be a bit of a problem in my household because I get a little carried away, but I love cooking.. so why not?  I came across this recipe a few years ago.  I have made it over and over, each time changing something slightly or learning from the previous time.  I have finally perfected the recipe, and I am ready to share it.  This recipe, for Chicken Pot Pie made completely from scratch can be modified.  If you have left over turkey after Thanksgiving, just use shredded turkey instead.  If you are really not in the mood to poach your own chicken, you can also use a rotisserie chicken.  So, whichever way you choose to make this, I am sure it will still be delicious!  Don't forget it's a great way to use that turkey from Thanksgiving!
Crust (optional.  You can use the frozen puff pastry dough if you like)
1 1/2 c all-purpose flour
1/2 tsp salt
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 c butter (1 stick cut into 1/2" cubes)
1/8 c vegetable shortening
1/4 c ice water

(or use your extra turkey from Thanksgiving)
1 4-5 lb whole chicken
2 c carrots, coarsely chopped
1 large onion, coarsely chopped
3 celery stocks, with greens, coarsely chopped
6 sprigs of thyme
3 sage leaves
2 bay leafs
1 cup dry white wine
1 tsp whole peppercorns
1 tbsp tomato paste

1 1/2 c chopped carrots (about 1/2'')
1 c fresh or frozen peas
1/2 a red onion, minced
2 cloves of garlic
1/4 c butter
1/2 c flour
6 fresh sage leaves, chopped
4 sprigs of thyme, removed from stem
1 sprig of rosemary, minced
1 c cremini mushrooms, chopped into quarters
1 cup potatoes, chopped into 1/2" pieces
1 egg, beaten
salt and pepper to taste

For the crust;
Mix flour, salt and baking powder.  Add cubed butter and shortening ans use a pastry cutter to combine.  Gradually add the ice water until the dough forms.  Flatten into a disc shape, wrap in plastic and refrigerate for 30 minutes.  After 30 minutes, remove from fridge, place on a lightly floured surface.  Roll out to the size of your pan, about 1/4 inch thick.  Cover tightly and place in the fridge until you are ready to place on top of your dish.

For the chicken;
Add chicken, breast side down, in a large pot with celery, carrots, thyme, bay leaf, onion, sage, wine, salt and peppercorns.  Add 8 cups of water, cover and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat to low and simmer gently for 10 minutes.  Remove pot from heat, cover and poach the chicken until cooked through, about 45 minutes.

Remove the chicken from the broth and set aside.  Reserve the broth.  Shred the meat and discard the bones.  Strain the broth over another pot.  Stir in the tomato paste.

Return the broth to medium heat and simmer uncovered until the broth is reduced to 5 cups, about 40 minutes.

For the filling,
Preheat the oven to 400 degrees.  Chop celery, carrots, potatoes, onions, garlic and cremini mushrooms.
 Place about 1 tablespoon of olive oil in a saute pan, on medium heat, add onions, garlic.  Saute for about 5 minutes.  Add celery and mushrooms, saute a few more minutes.
 Add carrots, saute for about 5 more minutes.
 Set aside in a bowl, add potatoes.
In a large saute pan, melt butter on medium high heat.  Slowly add flour, and saute until it starts to turn brown.  Slowly add the broth.  This is the rue for your sauce.

 Stir constantly with a whisk, making sure that none of the sauce burns on the bottom of the pan.  Add the herbs into the sauce.  Add salt and pepper.

Cook your sauce, for about 20 minutes, until it gets nice and thick.  Be sure to whisk the sauce regularly to avoid burning the sauce.  Be sure to taste your sauce to ensure that it is seasoned well.
Add the reserved veggies, the peas and chicken to the sauce, stir to incorporate.

Pour the mixture into a large pan and cover with the pastry dough.  Slit the dough about 1-2 inches, so the pot pie can "breathe".

Beat 1 egg and brush the egg on top of the dough, so that the dough will brown nicely.  You can add pepper to the top to give it a nice touch.
Note:  Do not fill the baking dish all the way to the top.  It will overflow if you fill it to the top, I learned the hard way.
I also like to make little individual ones too, which are fun to reheat and eat the next day as well. :)
Thyme 2 Taste....

TIP: If you have too much turkey left over, you can use chicken broth, rather than making your own.  From there, just follow the steps.
Also, if you're not into making the crust, use the puff pastry crust you can buy in the frozen food section :)

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Turkey Brine

Are you still trying to find the perfect brine for your bird?  Well, your search has ended.  I have tried a few different types and I have finally found one that I love.  Now, it is probably because there are an overwhelming amount of ingredients in my brine, but hey when you do something, do it right!  haha
I have also included some tips for you to follow after your brine your bird.

36 c water
2 c kosher salt
1/2 c brown sugar
4 sprigs of rosemary
6-8 sprigs of thyme
1 lemon, only the rind sliced off
1 orange, only the rind sliced off
4 cloves of garlic
12 peppercorns
2 bay leaves

The best way to make the brine is to dissolve the sugars into about 6 cups of hot water.  Once the sugars have dissolved, add the remaining water and ingredients.  Be sure the brine is cold before you place the turkey into the brine.  If you do not think it's cold enough, add some ice prior to placing the turkey in the brine.  Also, be sure your entire turkey is covered with the brine once you put it in the fridge.  Brine overnight.

Be sure your turkey is completely thawed prior to putting it in a brine.
Don't forget to rinse your turkey once the turkey is removed from the brine.
Let your turkey sit for 2-3 hours prior to making the turkey.  This will dry out the skin so it is more crisp, because everyone loves crispy skin :)

Thyme 2 Taste.....Enjoy!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Stuffed Mushrooms with Cheddar Cheese

I have been making stuffed mushrooms forever.  This has always been my go to appetizer or snack.  Over the years I have mastered these... well, I think I have.  :)
So when you're racking your brain about what to make for everyone as they arrive for Thanksgiving, check out this recipe.  They will be a hit!
6 large Cremini mushrooms or White button mushrooms (Cremini are more flavorful)
1 medium shallot, minced
2 slices of bacon, finely chopped
2-3 Tbsp Italian Bread Crumbs
2 Tbsp finely grated pecorino romano cheese
6 thin slices of aged white or yellow cheddar cheese

Pull out the stems of the mushrooms and trim the ring around the mushroom as shown below.  Set the mushrooms aside.  Do not discard. 

Mince the shallot and take the stems of the mushroom and mince them as well.  Set aside.
Chop the bacon into small pieces.  In a small pan, saute 2 slices of bacon in a pan on medium heat, about 4-5 minutes.

Once the bacon is cooked, add the shallots and mushrooms to the pan.  Cook for an additional 5 minutes.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.  One the shallots are cooked and the mushrooms are cooked, remove from the heat and place the ingredients into a bowl.
Add the bread crumbs and cheese into the bowl with the other ingredients.  Mix.  Using a teaspoon, spoon the filling into the mushrooms.  The mushrooms should be overstuffed a little, since it may cook down a little.
Place a thin slice of cheese on top of the mushroom.  Broil in the oven for a few minutes until the cheese has melted.
 Thyme 2 Taste....

Thursday, November 6, 2014


As I think I have mentioned in the past, I love Mexican food.  Nothing goes better with Mexican food than guacamole and nothing is better than fresh guacamole!  It can be served as an appetizer, as a side or on some tacos.  It's surprising how many people do not know how to make guacamole.  So, here is the recipe... enjoy!
2 avocados
1 roma tomato, cut into small pieces
1 shallot, minced
1 jalapeno, minced
2 cloves of garlic, minced (optional)
2 Tbsp of cilantro, minced
1/2 lime, juiced
salt and pepper to taste

Start by cutting the avocados in half and cutting the avocado into cubes.
Scoop the avocado out and into a medium sized bowl.
Add the remaining ingredients.
 Mix all the ingredients together.  If you want the guacamole chunky, mix it less.

Thyme 2 Taste....

TIP:  When you cut the avocados in half, use the knife to wiggle the avocado pit out of the center of the avocado.  See the below pic.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Quick & Easy Spinach Dip

With the holidays around the corner, it's always nice to have some quick, delicious recipes that you can have ready for your guests.  Whether they are dropping by on short notice or are expected, this dip is a favorite for any occasion.  I recently took this dip with some pita chips to a pumpkin carving and it was a big hit.  I serve this dip with pita chips, but you can put it in a bread bowl, with carrots or other veggies.  You can even use tortilla chips.

16 oz of sour cream (you can use light)
1 c of mayonnaise
1 large package of fresh spinach (16oz) or you can use 1 package frozen spinach, 14oz
I pkg of Knorr Vegetable mix

Add the mayonnaise and the sour cream into a medium size bowl.
Mix until incorporated.  Add the vegetable mix into the bowl.

Set the bowl aside.  Add 2 inches of water in the bottom of a pot.  Once it has started boiling, add spinach on top and stir.  Let cook for 1-2 minutes. If you are using the frozen spinach, follow the directions on the package.
Strain the spinach.
Once the spinach has cooled, mince the spinach.  Before adding the spinach to the bowl, be sure that all the water has been strained.  You can pat the spinach with paper towels.
 Stir in spinach.  Place the dip in the fridge and be sure ti is cold before serving.  You can store the dip in the fridge about 4 days.
Thyme 2 Taste......

TIP:  I always like to make the dip the night before, I feel like it is more flavorful the next day.