Sunday, November 8, 2015

Stuffed Peppers

Fall is here and the hearty recipes are out.... This is a quick meal you can make after a long day of work.

3-4 peppers (any color - I prefer red)
1 cup rice, uncooked (you can always substitute quinoa)
1 lb ground beef
3 heads of garlic crushed
3 sprigs of thyme
1 sprig of rosemary
1/2 c of tomato sauce
additional 1 cup of tomato sauce
salt and pepper to taste

 Put 1 cup of rice to boil in a small pot.
 Cut the top of the core off of the pepper
 In a large skillet, saute one pound of ground beef on medium-high.
 Add garlic, thyme and rosemary.
 Add half a cup of tomato sauce to the pan and set aside.
 Mix the meat with the 1 cup of cooked rice.  Add salt and pepper to taste.
 Stuff the peppers and place into a medium pot. 
 Pour the 1 cup of sauce into the pot and turn the heat on low.  Cook for about 45 minutes.
Thyme 2 taste...

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