Sunday, September 27, 2015

Israeli couscous with mushrooms, red peppers and kale

I get sick of eating the same things so when I go to restaurants I try to order things that I would not normally make at home.  While we were in Italy this summer, I ate this mushroom couscous mixed with risotto.  I thought it was not the best tasting appetizer, especially since it had cream in it, but it got me thinking about israeli couscous.  So, when I came home, one of the first things I decided to make as a side dish was the couscous.  Typically I give myself a few trys before I post the recipe on the blog, bit I thought this was so good, I got excited to share it right away!
This is super quick and easy... can't wait for you to try it..

1 1/4 c Israeli couscous
1 c chicken broth
2 tbsp olive oil
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
1/2 red onion, minced
1/2 a red pepper, chopped into small pieces (not too small)
4 mushrooms (baby bella)
1 cup finely chopped kale
salt & pepper to taste

In a medium size pot, put the israeli couscous to cook as per the directions on the bag.  I used chicken stock instead of water to give it more flavor.

In a large pan, heat about 2 tbs olive oil on medium high heat.  Add the crushed garlic.  Sear for about a minute.
 Add the onions, cooking for about 2-3 minutes.
 Add the mushrooms, cook an additional 2 minutes.
 Add the red peppers and cook for another 2 minutes. 
 Add the kale.  Stir around and saute until the kale is bright green.
 Once the kale is bright green, add the cooked israeli couscous into the pan, salt and pepper.  Turn off the heat.
You're all done!  Thyme 2 taste.....

You can eat this just as it is, leave out ingredients, add ingredients... customize the taste to what you like!
I recently made it with a steak and some roasted asparagus!  It was perfect!